About dashboard tabs

Tabs are the individual pages on your dashboard that contain the widgets. Each tab group (the default tab group is called Tabs) can contain up to 20 tabs. Each tab contains up to 24 widgets that use a chart, table, or gauge to present one set of data. Each widget is associated with one Autotask entity, like tickets, opportunities, or work entries.

There are two kinds of tabs:

  • Personal tabs (tabs that you created or copied)
  • Shared tabs (tabs that someone else created and shared with you)

Shared tabs can be distinguished by hovering over a tab name. If the tab is shared, users will see the tab name followed by (shared) in parentheses.

Personal tabs

You have complete control over tabs you created, and over any copies you made of shared tabs. You can change the tab settings and filters, add widgets, share the tabs, etc. Refer to Managing dashboard tabs.

Shared tabs

Shared tabs, on the other hand, are published read-only, and users have minimal ability to modify the tab settings. Shared tabs can be moved to a different tab group, users can select a color theme, and position widgets based on available space. They can also close a shared dashboard if they find they are not using it.

However, users cannot rename or delete a shared dashboard, or edit, move, or delete the dashboard widgets. This is to ensure that you can see the information your Autotask administrator wants you to see.

NOTE  Even shared tabs will only show you data subject to the permissions of your security level, so it is likely that users with different security level will see different data on the same shared tab.

System and non-system shared tabs

There are also two kinds of shared tabs:

  • System tabs created by Datto that are made available to all partners
  • Tabs created and shared by another resource in your Autotask instance

From the perspective of the user, they are indistinguishable. If you manage shared tabs, however, you have fewer options to modify system dashboards. Refer to Managing shared tabs.

System tab assignment

Since Datto doesn't want your resources to start out with empty dashboards, we initially assign some of the Datto system tabs to new partners based on resource security permissions.

System tab name Security permission

My Work

All users



Sales Manager, Sales History

Opportunity modules must be activated, and permission to view All opportunities and quotes


Opportunity modules must be activated, and permission to view All or Mine opportunities and quotes

Service Manager, Service History

Permission to view All tickets

Service Technician

All users

Project Manager - Projects, Project Manager - Tasks, Project History

Project module must be activated, and permission to view All Client & Internal projects

Project Team Member

Project module must be activated, and permission to view All or Mine Client & Internal projects

Access to the system tabs can be modified by anyone who can publish shared tabs. Refer to Publishing a shared dashboard tab.